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Secret bag - 5 meters

Regular price
25,00 €
Regular price
Sale price
25,00 €
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

The secret bag contains the pieces that are/were/were running out/the last ones at Ommelina, a total of about 5 m of patterned fabrics. The smallest pieces at least 40 cm. Fires can be anything possible: first quality, second quality and other wonderful things. The bags are already packed and sealed, so we cannot influence their contents - Even we don't know what each bag contains! Secrets are tempting, take the chance boldly!
(The secret bag is sold under the same conditions as the metric fabrics, the surprise has no right of return.)

    The tone of the picture is indicative. The characteristics of the screen affect the reproduction of colors.

    Secret bag - 5 meters

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