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Earrings, Kana - hanging

Regular price
25,00 €
Regular price
Sale price
25,00 €
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Yahuu, Ommelinen's new lovely jewelry is here! The jewelry made of high-quality Finnish birch plywood is comfortably light and inconspicuous to wear. With the help of fun jewelry, you complete any style. The jewelry is perfect as a small treat for yourself or as a gift for a friend.

A pendant with the same pattern, which you can also find in our selection, is a great companion for the chicken ears.

  • The diameter of the upper ball of the jewelry is approx. 1.1 cm, the diameter of the lower ball is approx. 1.7 cm, the width of the hen is approx. 4 cm and the entire length of the jewelry is approx. 5.8 cm
  • Domestic birch plywood
  • Metal parts: steel 304
  • A pair of silicone stoppers as a lock
  • Print design: Nora Bisi

The jewelry is delivered packed in a beautiful and practical box, where it is also easy to store them carefree.

Wooden jewelry does not like moisture or chemicals, so please avoid exposing it to them.

    Kuosisuunnittelija: Nora Bisi

    The tone of the picture is indicative. The characteristics of the screen affect the reproduction of colors.


    Kotimainen koivuvaneri
    Metalliosat: teräs 304
    Lukkona silikonistoppari


    Puiset korut eivät pidä kosteudesta tai kemikaaleista, joten vältäthän korujen altistamista niille.

    Korvakorut, Kana - riippuva - Ommellinen
    Korvakorut, Kana - riippuva - Ommellinen
    Korvakorut, Kana - riippuva - Ommellinen

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