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Coolmax, black

Regular price
1,79 €
Regular price
Sale price
1,79 €
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Coolmax is a light and thin hollow knit. Coolmax Fresh is an antibacterial material whose silver ions added to the fiber have the effect of reducing the growth of bacteria. One side of the material is hollow cell and the other side is smoother. Coolmax transfers moisture well and it is perfectly suited for use in, for example, sportswear and various durable products, e.g. as a material for permanent diapers.

  • Coolmax (polyester) - 50% Coolmax fresh, 50% recycled Coolmax. Knitted in Finland
  • Width: approx. 145 cm, square weight: 110 g/m 2
  • Delicate wash inside out 40-60 °C. First wash separately, tumble dry. Shrinkage approx. 5%

The tone of the picture is indicative. The characteristics of the screen affect the reproduction of colors.

The order unit is 10 cm. If you want e.g. 50 cm, choose 5. Minimum order quantity 4 (40 cm).

Tilausyksikkö on 10 cm. Jos haluat esim. 50 cm, valitse 5. Minimitilausmäärä 4 (40 cm).

    Palan pituus: metriä

    The tone of the picture is indicative. The characteristics of the screen affect the reproduction of colors.


    65 % viskoosi, 30 % polyamidi, 5 % elastaani
    Leveys: n. 145 cm
    Neliöpaino: 320 g/m2
    Kutistuvuus: n. 5 %


    Hienopesu 30 °C.
    Esipesu erillään, valmis vaate - pesu nurinpäin .

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    Puntoneulos, vanha roosa - Ommellinen
    Puntoneulos, vanha roosa - Ommellinen

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